L5R: Bitter - 2000
L5R: Twenty Goblin Winter - 2000
Mummy The Resurrection Promo (interior) - 2000
Khirihabi - 2000
Cavalier - 2000
Ophelia - 2000
L5R: Old Weapon (Katana of the Twilight Mountains) - 1999
L5R: Magistrate's Blade - 1999
L5R: Miya's Sasumata - 1999
L5R: Naginata - 1999
Batgirl - 1999
Bryony - 1999
Gun Bunny - 1999
Spider-Girl - 1999
Meiling - 1998
Alta Nox Erat (student work) - 1997
Channel 5 (student work) - 1997
A Girl in Armani (or Rose Smoke & Midnight Blue) (student work) - 1997
Bantha Traxx - 1997
Saara Owens - 1997
Vestigial 2 - 1997
Exodus 22 (student work) - 1997
Last Vestige of Sanity (student work) - 1997
Book of the Dragon (Self Portrait) (student work) - 1996
Vestigial - 1996
Elf Bard - 1996
Kerrianath - 1995
Sil Voratha - c. 1996
Untitled Graphic Design Project (student work) - 1995
Seated Nude (student work) - 1995
Vampire Window - 1995
Rogue - 1994
Lucy - c.1994
Temptation - c. 1994
Dragonlance Heroes - 1993
Untitled - 1993
Jean-Kyle - 1992
Scherrison - 1991
Thanatos - 1991
The Goddess - 1991
Boba Fett (1979 - Age 7)